Hot Cross Buns are one traditional way to commemorate Good Friday.

I started baking them every year when my children were little. Having family traditions helps us to pass down our faith and values.
Talking about Jesus' crucifixion is not an easy story to tell especially to young children (did you see my sermon on Sunday?) but baking together opens the door for conversation. When the kids were small, we would read the story of the crucifixion out of The Beginner's Bible along with baking the buns (video story available here).
Now that they're older, they participate in our church's Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services...but they still look forward to this once-a-year treat.
My favorite recipe is gluten free, but for you lucky people who don't need a gluten free recipe (and are looking for a short cut!), here's a simple version that uses canned buttermilk biscuits.
If you need a gluten free recipe, here is a simple gluten free hot cross buns recipe that uses King Arthur Gluten Free All Purpose Baking mix (which is easy to find in most grocery stores).
Finally, below is my personal favorite recipe from Gluten Free Baking Classics by Annelise G. Roberts. (I highly recommend this book, if you are gluten free). This recipe does require some specialty flours, which is why I didn't list it first in this post.

The "Brown Rice Flour Mix" is: 1/2 c millet flour, 1/4 c sorghum flour, 1/4 c cornstarch, 1/4 c potato starch, 1/4 c tapioca flour. Or you can just order it pre-mixed from amazon like I do.