by Colleen Soldate, Director of Caring Ministries
Just when the caterpillar thought her world was ending!
Have you ever found yourself replaying the past and wishing things were different? My experience with change has been both good and bad. Depending on the type of change involved, I cope with change by learning to adjust to what I can control and leave the rest to God. Then came a directive, “to shelter in place!”
I haven’t had the time to do spring cleaning or knit a blanket but have etched out a few moments to enjoy reflecting on treasured memories. As a child, I recall one of my favorite times of year was the last day of school just before Christmas vacation. A day filled with joy and jam-packed with excitement. I ate my fill of all kinds of goodies, eagerly presented my teacher with a special handpicked glass bowl (purchased at Ben Franklin's for 39 cents), and sung Christmas carols all morning. After the festivities came to an end, our school custodian Mr. Parsons let me help put the chairs on top of the desks. I knew that the moment all the chairs were securely placed on the desks, students were dismissed for holiday. Then, I would be free from having to get up early in morning, free to play without having to do homework, and free to stay up later than normal.
As my childhood memory faded away, my mind swiftly drifted to Wednesday, March 17, 2020, St. Patrick’s Day. It is almost unbelievable how life can dramatically change so quickly. During our staff meeting, I became personally acutely aware of how Covid-19 landed uninvited on my doorstep. I was aware from news coverage the severity of the virus and mask wearing around the world, but it never crossed my mind that I would ever experience what feels like a Twilight Zone episode. Session had the safety of our church family as the priority and the decision to close the church was made to minimize the spread of this deadly virus. This decision is most appreciated.
As I write this, it has been 53,280 minutes since sheltering in place. The future is uncertain and even though change can be challenging, my plan is to continue to keep my focus on Jesus, practice gratitude for his provision each day and be patient and seek God’s will. From childhood to adulthood, life has made me aware that change is constant, but one thing has never changed and that is our God. I believe that He has, is and will always be with us, His love is endless, and He wants the best for us. Mark 1:16-20 tells us that while Jesus was passing alongside the Sea of Galilee, he said to Simon and Andrew to “follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” The disciples gave up what was familiar to them to follow Jesus. This was a dramatic change affecting their lives, and packed with insecurity. Yet, they put their trust in Jesus and followed. In this time of uncertainty, I place my trust in God’s hands for, I know, He had a plan for me well before I was born. Like the caterpillar who thought her world was ending that soon became a beautiful butterfly, let us be patient and trust in God.
Until we are together again,
Colleen Soldate