Darcy Fluitt, JUMP Coordinator, shares how our community can be praying for First Kids and their families:
Families with children in elementary school have faced a new reality this week. Kids are back in school, but that doesn’t mean sending them out the door to their neighborhood school. Learning is now done at the kitchen table and the parent is often the teacher.
Here are some specific prayer requests from some of our families:
Parents who are going into work-
· Flexibility in work schedule so one parent can be with children at all times
· Safety and protection while at work
All parents-
· Smooth adaptation to online learning
· Compassion, patience, and realistic learning expectations for children
· Emotional well-being for children as they miss seeing their friends
· For peace over anxiety as parents figure out the best ways to teach to their kids and meet their needs
· To find the appropriate balance in a schedule that includes school time and free time.
· For children who were already struggling this school year
· For an abundance of patience and kindness for all family members
· Family bond will be strengthened in this time of being home together
· For God to equip all parents with strength, wisdom, and perseverance
As we shelter in home and may feel isolated from one another, let us join together in community and pray for our families.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12
Praying for all you parents. You’re doing the best you can...which is enough!believing God will guide and provide for you and your dear children.