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On Egg Hunts, Bunnies, & Missing Church This Easter

Today's reflection comes from Colleen Soldate, Director of Caring Ministries:

Have you ever wanted something so much and it was substituted for something less desirable?

It happened to me when I was 7 years old. I remember squirming ever so noiselessly in the church pew, sitting next to my parents and feeling anxious for church to be over. You see, after church, everyone was invited to the pastor’s house to celebrate Easter. To our parents, that meant gathering with friends, family and new acquaintances. But for us kids, that meant fun and excitement churning away within us in hope of finding one of the prize eggs at the annual EASTER EGG HUNT!

This was no ordinary run-of-the-mill Easter Egg Hunt. If you were lucky enough to find a “Golden Egg” you would be rewarded with a 6-inch solid Chocolate bunny from See’s Candy. In past Easters, I never came close to finding a golden egg but continued to hope and knew, down deep, that one day a chocolate bunny would be ALL mine.

The moment worship service was over, everyone quickly made their way out of the building. On our way, we stopped at home to pick up mom’s lemon pies. The air was filled with laughter and joy. Upon arriving to the Pastor’s home, there was food everywhere and my eyes latched on to one of Mrs. Cisco’s colorful cakes. I can’t recall a Sunday without biting into one of her cakes, my favorite was the blue one. But I don’t every recall eating much that day because I was too busy formulating my egg-hunting strategies. It was critical to be intentional when hunting eggs because the Hunt included every kid up to the age of 18. I would need a plan to find a golden egg.

The Pastor finally opened the sliding glass door and allowed the youngest children first to make their way to the backyard to hunt eggs. Then, it was my turn and I took off running as fast as my legs would carry me with basket in hand. I collected several colored eggs but no golden egg. Before I knew it, all the eggs were found, and the hunt was over. We went inside and to our delight, the Pastor announced that one golden egg was still missing. My eyes lit up and my heart felt as if it was going to jump out of my chest. We were invited, once again, to the back yard to hunt that one golden egg. This time, the kids were released all at once.

Left in a cloud of dust, I came to accept that another year would pass without finding a golden egg. Just as I turned around the corner of the house, my eyes were drawn to something shinny sitting in a small drainpipe opening. I hoped and ran straight to it and YES, it was a GOLDEN EGG! I was so excited, finally the day arrived when I would receive the “elusive” See’s chocolate bunny!

As I presented my golden egg to Pastor, he proudly presented me with a WHITE chocolate bunny. I could not believe it, as I had waited forever for my chocolate bunny. I tried my best to not show disappointment but within, I felt deflated. It wasn’t until I bit the ear off the white bunny that I found it to be a pretty doggone good substitute. Although, I still prefer dark chocolate bunnies, in a pinch a white bunny will do.

On Easter morning, my first choice is to be with you, in person, to worship and rejoice in the recognition of our Lord and Savior’s resurrection. As we continue to shelter in place, I invite you to join with me to experience God’s presence as we substitute online worship to unite us as one body in Christ. Come Sunday morning, sing loud and proud the Hallelujah Chorus and maybe…just maybe we will hear one another from afar!

With warm thoughts and prayers until we are together again,

Colleen Soldate

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