By Darcy Fluitt JUMP Coordinator
Anyone feeling stuck like me? Are you tired of staying at home? It has been almost two months since I have entered a store or even driven my car. My hair is getting way too long and I don’t even want to mention my roots! I guess you could say that my “true colors” are showing. Yes, I think we are all growing weary of sheltering at home, but it is so important to stay the course to contain COVID19.
Perhaps taking a look at what our elementary kids will be talking about this month can provide us a little encouragement. Our subject is Determination—deciding it’s worth it to finish what you started. During our Zoom calls, we will be exploring the book of Acts and the tough job the disciples had in fulfilling the Great Commission Jesus gave before His ascension.
Kids will be memorizing Galatians 6:9 NIrV: Let us not become tired of doing good. At the right time we will gather a crop if we don’t give up.
Let us be encouraged to keep going…to finish the school year, to maintain physical distance, and to stay at home…so we can meet again!