I have always had a deep respect for teachers, but as a parent navigating through distance learning with my kids, I now have an even deeper respect for teachers. I am so grateful for how hard my kid’s teachers have worked to make distance learning possible. Many of these teachers have their own kids at home that they need to work with on top of their class. Join me in saying a prayer for all the teachers out there who are working so hard.
Dear God,
Thank you for teachers! Please be with all the teachers out there who are working so hard with this new way of teaching their students. For those that are feeling discouraged, give them encouragement. Help them to see the impact they are making on their students, even as they teach them from a distance. Give them strategies to help those students who may be struggling, and new ideas to keep students excited and engaged in learning. For those that are balancing work and home, give them an extra measure of energy and patience. Let them find joy in this season of teaching virtually. And when kids are able to return to school, help teachers know how to meet these kids where they are at with their education. Please give all teachers strength, guidance, endurance and peace!